
Sustainable Brewing

Constellation Brands meets the strictest sustainability and environmental protection standards in order to safeguard natural resources, especially water, which is a fundamental part of our operations. We are committed to doing our part to ensure that we remain a good steward of the environment.

Nava: We are committed to operating our facilities in a sustainable way in Mexico and other markets around the world. In 2015, we commissioned an independent study to better understand the environmental impact of our local operations in Coahuila. The study showed that our operations account for less than 1% of the total water extracted from the Allende-Piedras Negras Aquifer. This study also indicated other industries using water from this basin include livestock (84%), urban supply (13%), industrial (2%) and energy generation (1%). Our facility in Nava has one of the best water efficiency rates in the industry, and our wastewater treatment system enables us to reuse about 26% of incoming water. Each of our 2,000 local employees is committed to continuing to do our part to ensure that Constellation remains a good steward of our environment.

Obregon: We are committed to being a good steward of the environment in areas where our employees live and work. As such, we optimize water usage in cleaning activities in the Cold Block and Packaging areas. We’ve installed efficient irrigation systems in our gardens and CIP systems in the Cold Block area. Optimal water usage in cooling tower system in the Utilities area, and in Rinser and Pasteurizer in the Packaging area. We’ve increased the re-use of water in the Packaging area as well. We’ve reduced water consumption in boilers by increasing the use of condensates (increasing efficiency of condensates recovery).